Simon Davis
Nome: Simon JM Davis
Título profissional: Técnico Superior
Instituição: LARC/DGPC
Grau académico: PhD
Email: [email protected]
Endereço no Academia:
Investigação: Zooarqueologia
*1974 Animal remains from the Kebaran site of Ein Gev l, Jordan valley, Israel. Paléorient 2, 453‑462 []
*1974 Incised bones from the Mousterian of Kebara cave and the Aurignacian of Hayonim cave, Israel. Paléorient 2, 181‑2 []
1976 Mammal bones from the Early Bronze Age city of Arad, northern Negev, Israel: Some implications concerning human exploitation. Journal of Archaeological Science 3, 153‑164
1977 The ungulate remains from Kebara cave. In: Bar Yosef, O and Arensburg, B (eds.), Eretz Israel 13. pp. 150‑163. Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society
*1977 Size variation of the fox, Vulpes vulpes in the palaearctic region today, and in Israel during the late Quaternary. Journal of Zoology, London 182, 343‑351
*1978 Etude de la faune. In: Lechevallier, M. Abou Gosh et Beisamoun. Mémoires et travaux du Centre de recherches préhistoriques français de Jerusalem. pp. 195‑7. Paris, Association Paléorient
*1978 (with Valla, F.) Evidence for the domestication of the dog 12,000 years ago in the Natufian of Israel. Nature 276, 608‑610
*1980 Late Pleistocene and Holocene equid remains from Israel. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 70, 289‑312
*1980 A note on the dental and skeletal ontogeny of Gazella. Israel Journal of Zoology 29, 129‑134
1980 Late Pleistocene‑Holocene gazelles of northern Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 29, 135‑140
1980 (with Skinner, J.D. and Ilani, G.) Bone collecting by striped hyaenas, Hyaena hyaena, in Israel. Palaeontologia africana 23, 99‑104
*1981 The effects of temperature change and domestication on the body size of Late Pleistocene to Holocene mammals of Israel. Paleobiology 7, 101‑114
*1981 Changes in the ungulate fauna of Israel during the last 60,000 years: climate change and the advent of domestication. Israel Journal of Zoology 30, 102.
1981 (with Henry, D.O. and Leroi‑Gourhan, A.). The excavation of Hayonim terrace: an examination of terminal Pleistocene climatic and adaptive changes. Journal of Archaeological Science 8, 33‑58
*1982 (with Goring‑Morris, N. and Gopher, A.). Sheep bones from the Negev Epipalaeolithic. Paléorient 8, 87‑93 []
*1982 Climatic change and the advent of domestication: the succession of ruminant artiodactyls in the late Pleistocene‑Holocene in the Israel region. Paléorient 8, 5‑15
*1982 The taming of the few. New Scientist 95, 697‑700
1982 Wild mouse morphometrics. Communication in Mouse News Letter 66, 78‑80
*1983 By their garbage they shall be known. New Scientist 100, 506‑513
*1983 Morphometric variation of populations of House mice (Mus domesticus) in Britain and Faroe. Journal of Zoology, London 199, 521‑534
1983 The age profiles of gazelles predated by ancient man in Israel: possible evidence for a shift from seasonality to sedentism in the Natufian. Paléorient 9/1, 57‑64 []
*1984 The advent of milk and wool production in western Iran: some speculations. In: Grigson, C. and Clutton‑Brock, J. (eds) Animals and Archaeology. pp. 265‑278. Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, International series 202
1984 Khirokitia and its mammal remains a Neolithic Noah's ark. In: Le Brun, A. (ed.), Fouilles récentes à Khirokitia (Chypre) 1977‑1981. I. pp. 147‑162; II. 164‑179. Recherche sur les Civilisations, Paris A.D.P.F.
*1984 Breeds of dogs. Cricket 12, 14‑17
1984 Evolution of Domesticated Animals by Mason, I.L., Longman. New Scientist 22 November (Book Review)
*1985 The large mammal bones. In: Mazar, A. Excavations at Tell Qassile 2. pp. 148‑150. Qedem 20, Jerusalem, Hebrew University
1985 A preliminary report on the fauna from Hatoula: a Natufian‑Khiamian (PPNA) site near Latroun, Israel. In: Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. (eds.), Le site Natoufien‑Khiamien de Hatoula prés de Latroun, Israel. pp. 71‑98. Cahiers du Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem 1, Paris, Association Paléorient
*1985 Tiny elephants and giant mice. New Scientist 105, 25‑27
1987 La faune, in: Le Brun, A. et al. Le Néolithique Précéramique de Chypre. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 91, 283‑316
1987 (reprinted 1995) The Archaeology of animals. London, Batsford (New Haven, Yale University; Spanish translation: La Arqueología de los animales. Barcelona, Bellaterra); Korean translation: Dongmulgogohak Immun, 2014, Seoul. Sahoipyoungnon Academy 사이먼 데이비스 저 의 한국어판이 이선복 역 <동물고고학 입문>으로 2014년 9월 대한민국 서울의 사회평론아카데미 출판사에 의해 정가 25,000원에 출간되었습니다.
*1987 The dentition of an Iron Age pony. In: Ashbee, P. Hook, Warsash, Hampshire Excavations, 1954. pp. 52‑55. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society 43, 21‑62
1987 The faunal remains from Tell Qiri. In: Ben‑Tor, A. and Portugali, Y. Tell Qiri a village in the Jezreel valley. pp. 249‑51. Qedem 24. Jerusalem, Hebrew University
*1987 Prudhoe Castle, Northumberland ‑ the animal remains. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory report 162/87
*1987 Cattle foot bones excavated in 1982 from a seventeenth/eighteenth century pit in Church Street, Dorchester Dorset. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory report 222/87
*1987 A night in armour. New Society 79 (1261), 14‑15
1988 Animal bones from Dodder Hill, A Roman fort near Droitwich (Hereford and Worcester), excavated in 1977. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory report 140/88
1988 Nahal Hemar cave, the larger mammal remains. 'Atiqot 18, 68‑72
1988 The mammal bones Tel Yarmuth 1980‑1983. In: Miroschedji, P. de et al. Yarmouth 1, rapport sur les trois premières campagnes de fouilles à Tel Yarmouth (Israel), 1980‑1982. pp. 143‑9. Paris, ADPF, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations
*1988 (with Rabinovich, R. and Goren‑Inbar, N.) Quaternary extinctions and population increase in western Asia: the animal remains from Biq'at Quneitra. Paléorient 14/1, 95‑105 []
*1988 Animal remains associated with late Iron Age – Roman cremations at King Harry Lane (St. Albans Herts.), excavated in 1966 – 1969. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 192/88.
1989 Animal remains from the Iron Age cemetery. In: Stead, I.M. and Rigby, V. (eds.), Verulamium: the King Harry Lane site. pp. 250‑9. London, English Heritage
1989 Some more animal remains from the Aceramic Neolithic of Cyprus. In: Le Brun, A. Fouilles récentes à Khirokitia (Chypre) 1983‑1986. pp. 189‑221. Paris, ADPF, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations
1989 The animal remains from Barrow 1 at Irthlingborough (Early Bronze Age), Northamptonshire: 1986 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 119/89
1989 Why did prehistoric people domesticate food animals? In: Bar Yosef, O. and Vandermeersch, B. (eds.), Investigations in south Levantine prehistory. pp. 43‑59. Oxford, BAR International Series 497
*1990 Some peculiarly damaged cattle metapodials. Circaea 6, 115‑118
*1991 Faunal remains from the Late Saxon ‑ Mediaeval farmstead at Eckweek in Avon, 1988‑1989 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 35/91
*1991 Faunal remains from Closegate I & II, Newcastle, Tyne & Wear, 1988 & 1990 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 81/91
1991 When and why did prehistoric people domesticate animals? Some evidence from Israel and Cyprus. In: Bar‑Yosef, O. and Valla, F.R. (eds.), The Natufian culture in the Levant. pp. 381‑390. Ann Arbor, Michigan, International Monographs in Prehistory
1992 (with King, P.) Small mammal remains found in a Saxon bucket at Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, 1981 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 17/92
1992 Saxon & Medieval animal bones from Burystead and Langham road, Northants; 1984-1987 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 71/92
*1992 A rapid method for recording information about mammal bones from archaeological sites. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory report 19/92
*1992 (with Payne, S.) 101 ways to deal with a dead hedgehog: notes on the preparation of disarticulated skeletons for zoo‑archaeological use. Circaea 8, 95‑104
*(Spanish translation by M. Mondini) 2003. 101 modos de tratar un erizo muerto: notas sobre la preparación de esqueletos desarticulados para uso zooarqueológico (traduccion de M. Mondini). Archaeofauna 12,203-211)
*1993 (with Payne, S.) A barrowful of cattle skulls. Antiquity 67, 12-22
*1993: The zoo‑archaeology of sheep and goat in Mesopotamia. In: Postgate, N. (ed.), Domestic animals of Mesopotamia part I, Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture 7, 1-7
*1994 Even more bones from Khirokitia: The 1988-1991 excavations. In: Le Brun, A. Fouilles récentes à Khirokitia (Chypre) 1988‑1991. pp. 305-333. Paris, ADPF, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations
*1994 (with Lernau, O. and Pichon, J.) The animal remains: new light on the origin of animal husbandry. In: Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. (eds.), Le gisement de Hatoula en Judée occidentale, Israël. pp. 83-100. Mémoirs et Travaux du Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem 8. Paris, Association Paléorient
1994 The Hartebeest bones from Hatoula revisited. In: Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. (eds.), In: Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. (eds.), Le gisement de Hatoula en Judée occidentale, Israël. pp. 129-131. Mémoirs et Travaux du Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem 8. Paris, Association Paléorient
*1994 (with Albarella, U.) The Saxon and medieval animal bones excavated 1985-1989 from West Cotton, Northamptonshire. London, HBMC AM Laboratory report 17/94 []
1994 Archaeology of the Near East: proceedings of the first international symposium on the archaeozoology of southwestern Asia and adjacent areas Edited by Buitenhuis, H. and Clason, A.T. 1993. Leiden: Backhuys. Journal of Archaeological Science 21, 574-575 (Book Review)
*1995 Animal bones from the Iron Age site at Edix Hill, Barrington, Cambridgeshire, 1989-1991 excavations. London, HBMC AM Laboratory report 54/95
1995 The animal bones, pp. 191-197 in: Fraser, R.; Jamfrey, C. and Vaughan, J. Excavation on the site of the Mansion House, Newcastle, 1990. Archaeologia Aeliana fifth series 23, 145-213
*1996 Animal sacrifices. In: Buitron-Oliver, D. (ed.). The Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion: Excavations in the Archaic Precinct. pp. 181-2. Jonsered, Sweden, Paul Åströms förlag
*1996 (with Albarella, U.) Mammals and birds from Launceston Castle, Cornwall: decline in status and the rise of agriculture. Circaea 12, 1-156 []
*1996 Measurements of a group of adult female Shetland sheep skeletons from a single flock: a baseline for zooarchaeologists. Journal of Archaeological Science 23, 593-612
1996 Mammoths by Lister, A. and Bahn, P. 1994. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6, 515-516 (Book Review)
*1997 Animal bones from the Roman site Redlands Farm, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, 1990 excavation. London, HBMC AM Laboratory report 106/97
1997 (with Corke, E. and Payne, S.) A list of vertebrate skeletons in the reference collection of the Ancient Monuments Laboratory, London. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 92/97
*1997 The Agricultural Revolution in England: some zoo-archaeological evidence. Anthropozoologica 25-26, 413-428
*1998 (with Corke, E. and Payne, S.): The organisation of a zoo-archaeological reference collection of bird bones. Environmental Archaeology 2, 67-69.
* 1999 (with J. Beckett): Animal husbandry and agricultural improvement: the archaeological evidence from animal bones and teeth. Rural History 10, 1-17
1999 Animal bones from the Iron Age site at Wardy Hill, Coveney, Cambridgeshire, 1991 excavations. London, HBMC AM Laboratory report 47/99
Also published in: East Anglian Archaeology, 103 (2003) pp. 122-131 and 273-278
*2000 The effect of castration and age on the development of the Shetland sheep skeleton and a metric comparison between bones of males, females and castrates Journal of Archaeological Science 27, 373-390
2001 (with Connell, B.) The animal bones. In: Biddle, M.; Hiller, J.; Scott, I. and Streeten, A. Henry VIII’s coastal artillery fort at Camber Castle, Rye, East Sussex: An archaeological, structural and historical investigation. pp. 301-332. Oxford, Oxford Archaeological Unit and English Heritage
*2001 Blood, bones and ladies' tights, or the things we do in our laboratory New York, Rubber Band Society Gazette 1 (1), 1 & 6
2001 (with Moreno García, M. Estudio de las asociaciones faun Alcácer do Sal, Convento de São Francisco, Santarém y Sé de Lisboa. In: Lacerda, M.; Soromenho, M.; Ramalho, M. de M. and Lopes, C. GARB: Sítios Islâmicos do Sul Peninsular. Pp. 231-255. Lisboa, IPPAR
*2002 British Agriculture: Texts for the zoo-archaeologist Environmental Archaeology 7, 51-64
*2002 The mammals and birds from the Gruta do Caldeirão, Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 5, 29-98
2003 Faunal remains from Alcáçova de Santarém, Portugal. Trabalhos do CIPA 53, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
2003 Chalcolithic animal bones from Mercador, Alentejo; some biometrical considerations. In: Moreno García, M. Estudo arqueozoológico dos restos faunísticos do povoado Calcolítico do Mercador (Mourão). Trabalhos do CIPA 56, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
*2003 (with Baker, P.; Payne, S. and Revill, M.) On preparing animal skeletons: a simple and effective method. International Council for Archaeozoology Newsletter 4 (1) 4 and 15
*2003 (with Moreno-García, M. and Pimenta, C.) Arqueozoologia: estudo da fauna no passado. Pp. 191-234. In: Mateus J.E. and Moreno-García, M. (eds.) Paleoecologia Humana e Arqueociências. Um Programa Multidisciplinar para a Arqueologia sob a Tutela da Cultura. pp. Trabalhos de Arqueologia
*2003 (with Moreno-García, M.; Pimenta, C. and Gabriel, S.) A osteoteca: uma ferramenta de trabalho. In: Mateus J.E. and Moreno-García, M. (eds.) Paleoecologia Humana e Arqueociências. Um Programa Multidisciplinar para a Arqueologia sob a Tutela da Cultura. pp. 235-261. Trabalhos de Arqueologia
*2003 The zoo-archaeology of Khirokitia (Neolithic Cyprus), including a view from the mainland. In: Guilaine, J. and Le Brun, A. (eds.) Le Néolithique de Chypre; Actes du Colloque International organisé par le Département des Antiquités de Chypre et l’École française d’Athènes; Nicosie 17-19 Mai 2001. Athens, École française d’Athènes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, Supplément 43, 253-268
*2003 101 metodos de tratar un erizo muerto: notas sobre la preparación de esqueletos desarticulados para uso zooarqueológico (traduccion de M. Mondini). Archaeofauna 12,203-211
2004 The astragalus: why is this bone important to zoo-archaeologists? New York, Rubber Band Society Gazette 4 (1), 3
2004 Animal remains from Roman and Medieval Tomar, Portugal. Trabalhos do CIPA 68, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
* 2005 Why domesticate food animals? some zoo-archaeological evidence from the Levant. Journal of Archaeological Science 32, 1408-1416
* 2005 (with Albarella, Detry and Rowley-Conwy) Pigs of the “Far West”: the biometry of Sus from archaeological sites in Portugal. Anthropozoologica 40 (2) 27-54
2005 Animal bones from Roman São Pedro, Fronteira, Alentejo. Trabalhos do CIPA 88, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
2005 Animal remains from the Moslem period site of São Pedro de Canaferrim, Castelo dos Mouros, Sintra, Portugal. Trabalhos do CIPA 89, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
* 2006 Faunal remains from Alcáçova de Santarém, Portugal. Trabalhos de Arqueologia Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia. 43,11-144
* 2006 (with Pereira, F.; Pereira, L.; McEvoy, B.; Bradley, D.G. and Amorim, A.) Genetic signatures of a Mediterranean influence in Iberian Peninsula sheep husbandry. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23 (7), 140-146
* 2006 Agricultural improvements in gharb al-Andaluz – zoo-archaeological evidence from the sheep bones. In: Bicho, N.F. (Ed.) Animais na Pré-história e Arqueologia da Península Ibérica; Actas do IV congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular (Faro, 14 a 19 de Setembro de 2004). Promontoria Monográfica 03. pp. 219-239
* 2006 The first steps of animal domestication; new archaeozoological approaches. Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ conference, Durham 2002. Oxford: Oxbow books. J.-D. Vigne, J. Peters and D. Helmer (eds). 2004. Paléorient 32 (1), 152-154 (Book Review)
2006 (with Albarella, U. and Smith, P.) Faunal remains – The mammal and bird bones: a brief revisit. In: Saunders, A. (ed.), Excavations at Launceston Castle, Cornwall. London, Maney Publishing, pp. 447-454
* 2006 Animal bone. Pp. 42-45 In: Hurst, J D (ed), Roman Droitwich: Dodderhill fort, Bays Meadow villa, and roadside settlement, CBA Research Report 146,
*2007a Mammal and bird remains from the Iron Age and Roman periods at Castro Marim, Algarve. Trabalhos do CIPA 107, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
* 2007b (with Robert, I. and Zilhão, J.) “Caldeirão cave, (Central Portugal) – whose home? Hyaena, man, bearded vulture … “. In: Kahlke, R.-D., Maul, L. C. & Mazza, P. (Eds.). Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Proceedings of the 18th International Senckenberg Conference (VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 259, 215-228
* 2007c (with Moreno García, M) Of metapodials, measurements and music – eight years of miscellaneous zooarchaeological discoveries at the IPA, Lisbon. O Arqueólogo Português, Série IV, 25, 9-165
* 2008 Zooarchaeological evidence for Moslem and Christian improvements of sheep and cattle in Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (4), 991-1010
* 2008 “Thou shalt take of the ram ... the right thigh; for it is a ram of consecration…” some zoo-archaeological examples of body-part preferences. pp. 63-70. In: D’Andria F., De Grossi Mazzorin J. and Fiorentino G. (Eds.) “Uomini, piante e animali nella dimensione del sacro”, Atti del Seminario di Studi di Bioarcheologia, Cavallino (Lecce) 28 – 29 giugno 2002, Edipuglia, Bari.
* 2008 (with Gonçalves, M-J. and Gabriel, S.) Animal remains from a Moslem period /12th/13th century AD) lixeira (garbage dump) in Silves, Algarve, Portugal. Revista Portuguêsa de Arqueologia 11 (1), 183-258
2009 - I resti faunistici. In: Arthur, P. and Bruno, B. (eds.), Il complesso tardo-antico ed alto-medievale dei SS. Cosma e Damiano, detto Le Centoporte, Giurdignano (LE). Scavi 1993-1996, Galatina, p. 216. Congedo Editore
* 2009 (with MacKinnon, M.) Did the Romans bring fallow deer to Portugal? Environmental Archaeology 14 (1), 15-26
* 2009 Filipe Pereira, Sara Queirós, Leonor Gusmão, Isaac J. Nijman, Edwin Cuppen, Johannes A. Lenstra,Econogene Consortium, Simon J.M. Davis, Fouad Nejmeddine, and António Amorim Tracing the history of goat pastoralism: new clues from mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA in North Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution [Advance Access published September 3, 2009) 1-15.
* 2009 Animal remains from an 18th-19th century AD pit in the Palácio Centeno, Lisbon. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 12 (2) 271-282
* 2010 Zilhão J, Davis SJM, Duarte C, Soares AMM, Steier P. (2010) Pego do Diabo (Loures, Portugal): Dating the Emergence of Anatomical Modernity in Westernmost Eurasia. PLoS ONE 5(1): e8880. []
* 2010(with Robert, I. and Zilhão, J.) La Cueva de Caldeirão, (Portugal Central) ¿El hogar de hienas, hombres, quebrantahuesos…? In: Baquedano, E. and Rosell, J. (Eds.) Actas de la 1ª Reunión de científicos sobre cubiles de hiena (y otros grandes carnívoros) en los yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica. Zona Arqueológica 13. pp. 282-296. Alcalá de Henares, Museo Arqueológico Regional.
2011 The animal remains from Barrow 1. pp. 67-691. In: Harding, J. & Healy, F. (eds), The Raunds Area Project. A Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape in Northamptonshire. Volume 2. Supplementary Studies. Swindon: English Heritage. [compact disc]
* 2011. with E. Trinkaus, S.E. Bailey, and J. Zilhão. The Magdalenian Human Remains from the Galeria da Cisterna (Almonda karstic system, Torres Novas, Portugal) and their Archaeological Context. O Arqueólogo Português Série V, 1, 395-413
* 2012 Davis, S.J.M; Svensson, E.M.; Albarella, U.; Detry, C.; Götherström, A.; Pires, A.E. and Ginja, C. Molecular and osteometric sexing of cattle metacarpals: a case study from 15th century AD Beja, Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science. London. 39 (5), 1445-1454. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2011.12.003
* 2012 Davis, S.J.M. and Mataloto, R. Animal remains from Chalcolithic São Pedro (Redondo, Alentejo): evidence for a crisis in the Mesolithic. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 15, 47-85
* 2012. Animal bones at the Nahal Zehora sites. In: Gopher, A. (Ed.) Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe Hills, Israel. Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora. Emery and Clair Yass Publications in Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University. pp. 1258-1320
*2013 Davis, S.J.M. and Detry, C. Crise no mesolítico: evidências zooarqueológicas. In: (eds.) Arnaud,J.M.; Martins,A. and Neves, C.
Arqueologia em Portugal – 150 Anos. pp. 297-309. Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, Lisboa
* 2013 Davis, S.J.M; Svensson, E.M.; Albarella, U.; Detry, C.; Götherström, A.; Pires, A.E. and Ginja, C. Evidencia de mejoras de ovino y vacuno durante época andalusí y Cristiana en Portugal a partir del análisis zooarqueológico y de ADN antiguo. Debates de Arqeología Medieval 3, 241-287
*2015 Davis, S.J.M. Extinction, arrival and improvement of Lusitanian animals. pp. 19-47. In: Penjon, J. and Pereira, C. (sous la direction) L’animal dans le monde lusophone. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
Davis, S.J.M. and Simões, T. (2016) - The velocity of Ovis in prehistoric times: the sheep bones from early Neolithic Lameiras, Sintra, Portugal. pp. 51-66. In: Diniz,M.; Neves, C. and Martins, A. (Eds.) O Neolítico em Portugal antes do Horizonte 2020: Perspectivas em Debate. Lisbon, Associação dos Arqueólogos Portuguesas, Monografias 2.
Davis, S.J.M. (2016) Hacia una distinción métrica entre los astrágalos de oveja y cabra. In: Lloveras Ll., Rissech C., Nadal J., Fullola JM (eds.), What bones tell us. El que ens expliquen els ossos, Monografies del SERP 12, Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 35-58
Davis, S.J.M. and Vilhena, J. (2017) - Animal remains from Iron Age and Roman Odemira, Portugal. Archaeofauna: International Journal of Archaeozoology 26, 199-217 Madrid, Spain
Davis, S.J.M. and Gonçalves, A. (2017) – Animal remains from the 4th-5th century AD well at São Miguel de Odrinhas, Sintra, Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 20, 139-156.
Davis, S.J.M. (2017) – Towards a metrical distinction between sheep and goat astragali. In: Rowley-Conwy, P.; Serjeantson, D. and Halstead, P. (eds.). pp. 50-82. Economic zooarchaeology: studies in hunting, herding and early agriculture. Oxford, Oxbow Books.
Davis, S.J.M. (2017) – Zooarchaeological evidence for Moslem improvement of sheep (Ovis aries) in Portugal. pp. 178-194. In: (Eds.) Albarella, U.; Rizzetto, M.; Russ, H.; Vickers, K. and Viner-Daniels, S. The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology
Gameiro, C.; Davis, S. and Almeida, F. (2017) – A sequência estratigráfica da Lapa dos Coelhos: funcionalidade e subsistência ao longo do Pleistocénico no sopé na Serra de Aire (Portugal). pp. 357-374. In: Arqueologia em Portugal – Estado da Questão. Associação dos Arqueólogos Portuguesas.
2018 Davis, S.J.M.; Albarella, U.; Detry, C.; Ginja, C.; Götherström, A.; Pires, A.E., Sendim, A. & Svensson, E.M. (2018) - An osteometrical method for sexing cattle bones: the metacarpals from 17th century Carnide, Lisbon, Portugal. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 120, 367-387.
In press. Davis, S.J.M. More Animal Bones from Tel Yarmut: an Early Bronze Age II and III Site in Israel Chapter 22: Israel Antiquities Authority
In press. Davis, S.J.M. The Neolithic mammals from Khirokitia, Cyprus: stasis and change on an oceanic island. In: Le Brun and Daune-Le Brun. Les fouilles de Khirokitia 1977-2007. Paris, Maison de l'Archéologie et de l'Ethnologie de Nanterre
última actualização Fevereiro de 2018
Título profissional: Técnico Superior
Instituição: LARC/DGPC
Grau académico: PhD
Email: [email protected]
Endereço no Academia:
Investigação: Zooarqueologia
*1974 Animal remains from the Kebaran site of Ein Gev l, Jordan valley, Israel. Paléorient 2, 453‑462 []
*1974 Incised bones from the Mousterian of Kebara cave and the Aurignacian of Hayonim cave, Israel. Paléorient 2, 181‑2 []
1976 Mammal bones from the Early Bronze Age city of Arad, northern Negev, Israel: Some implications concerning human exploitation. Journal of Archaeological Science 3, 153‑164
1977 The ungulate remains from Kebara cave. In: Bar Yosef, O and Arensburg, B (eds.), Eretz Israel 13. pp. 150‑163. Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society
*1977 Size variation of the fox, Vulpes vulpes in the palaearctic region today, and in Israel during the late Quaternary. Journal of Zoology, London 182, 343‑351
*1978 Etude de la faune. In: Lechevallier, M. Abou Gosh et Beisamoun. Mémoires et travaux du Centre de recherches préhistoriques français de Jerusalem. pp. 195‑7. Paris, Association Paléorient
*1978 (with Valla, F.) Evidence for the domestication of the dog 12,000 years ago in the Natufian of Israel. Nature 276, 608‑610
*1980 Late Pleistocene and Holocene equid remains from Israel. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 70, 289‑312
*1980 A note on the dental and skeletal ontogeny of Gazella. Israel Journal of Zoology 29, 129‑134
1980 Late Pleistocene‑Holocene gazelles of northern Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 29, 135‑140
1980 (with Skinner, J.D. and Ilani, G.) Bone collecting by striped hyaenas, Hyaena hyaena, in Israel. Palaeontologia africana 23, 99‑104
*1981 The effects of temperature change and domestication on the body size of Late Pleistocene to Holocene mammals of Israel. Paleobiology 7, 101‑114
*1981 Changes in the ungulate fauna of Israel during the last 60,000 years: climate change and the advent of domestication. Israel Journal of Zoology 30, 102.
1981 (with Henry, D.O. and Leroi‑Gourhan, A.). The excavation of Hayonim terrace: an examination of terminal Pleistocene climatic and adaptive changes. Journal of Archaeological Science 8, 33‑58
*1982 (with Goring‑Morris, N. and Gopher, A.). Sheep bones from the Negev Epipalaeolithic. Paléorient 8, 87‑93 []
*1982 Climatic change and the advent of domestication: the succession of ruminant artiodactyls in the late Pleistocene‑Holocene in the Israel region. Paléorient 8, 5‑15
*1982 The taming of the few. New Scientist 95, 697‑700
1982 Wild mouse morphometrics. Communication in Mouse News Letter 66, 78‑80
*1983 By their garbage they shall be known. New Scientist 100, 506‑513
*1983 Morphometric variation of populations of House mice (Mus domesticus) in Britain and Faroe. Journal of Zoology, London 199, 521‑534
1983 The age profiles of gazelles predated by ancient man in Israel: possible evidence for a shift from seasonality to sedentism in the Natufian. Paléorient 9/1, 57‑64 []
*1984 The advent of milk and wool production in western Iran: some speculations. In: Grigson, C. and Clutton‑Brock, J. (eds) Animals and Archaeology. pp. 265‑278. Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, International series 202
1984 Khirokitia and its mammal remains a Neolithic Noah's ark. In: Le Brun, A. (ed.), Fouilles récentes à Khirokitia (Chypre) 1977‑1981. I. pp. 147‑162; II. 164‑179. Recherche sur les Civilisations, Paris A.D.P.F.
*1984 Breeds of dogs. Cricket 12, 14‑17
1984 Evolution of Domesticated Animals by Mason, I.L., Longman. New Scientist 22 November (Book Review)
*1985 The large mammal bones. In: Mazar, A. Excavations at Tell Qassile 2. pp. 148‑150. Qedem 20, Jerusalem, Hebrew University
1985 A preliminary report on the fauna from Hatoula: a Natufian‑Khiamian (PPNA) site near Latroun, Israel. In: Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. (eds.), Le site Natoufien‑Khiamien de Hatoula prés de Latroun, Israel. pp. 71‑98. Cahiers du Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem 1, Paris, Association Paléorient
*1985 Tiny elephants and giant mice. New Scientist 105, 25‑27
1987 La faune, in: Le Brun, A. et al. Le Néolithique Précéramique de Chypre. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 91, 283‑316
1987 (reprinted 1995) The Archaeology of animals. London, Batsford (New Haven, Yale University; Spanish translation: La Arqueología de los animales. Barcelona, Bellaterra); Korean translation: Dongmulgogohak Immun, 2014, Seoul. Sahoipyoungnon Academy 사이먼 데이비스 저 의 한국어판이 이선복 역 <동물고고학 입문>으로 2014년 9월 대한민국 서울의 사회평론아카데미 출판사에 의해 정가 25,000원에 출간되었습니다.
*1987 The dentition of an Iron Age pony. In: Ashbee, P. Hook, Warsash, Hampshire Excavations, 1954. pp. 52‑55. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society 43, 21‑62
1987 The faunal remains from Tell Qiri. In: Ben‑Tor, A. and Portugali, Y. Tell Qiri a village in the Jezreel valley. pp. 249‑51. Qedem 24. Jerusalem, Hebrew University
*1987 Prudhoe Castle, Northumberland ‑ the animal remains. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory report 162/87
*1987 Cattle foot bones excavated in 1982 from a seventeenth/eighteenth century pit in Church Street, Dorchester Dorset. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory report 222/87
*1987 A night in armour. New Society 79 (1261), 14‑15
1988 Animal bones from Dodder Hill, A Roman fort near Droitwich (Hereford and Worcester), excavated in 1977. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory report 140/88
1988 Nahal Hemar cave, the larger mammal remains. 'Atiqot 18, 68‑72
1988 The mammal bones Tel Yarmuth 1980‑1983. In: Miroschedji, P. de et al. Yarmouth 1, rapport sur les trois premières campagnes de fouilles à Tel Yarmouth (Israel), 1980‑1982. pp. 143‑9. Paris, ADPF, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations
*1988 (with Rabinovich, R. and Goren‑Inbar, N.) Quaternary extinctions and population increase in western Asia: the animal remains from Biq'at Quneitra. Paléorient 14/1, 95‑105 []
*1988 Animal remains associated with late Iron Age – Roman cremations at King Harry Lane (St. Albans Herts.), excavated in 1966 – 1969. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 192/88.
1989 Animal remains from the Iron Age cemetery. In: Stead, I.M. and Rigby, V. (eds.), Verulamium: the King Harry Lane site. pp. 250‑9. London, English Heritage
1989 Some more animal remains from the Aceramic Neolithic of Cyprus. In: Le Brun, A. Fouilles récentes à Khirokitia (Chypre) 1983‑1986. pp. 189‑221. Paris, ADPF, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations
1989 The animal remains from Barrow 1 at Irthlingborough (Early Bronze Age), Northamptonshire: 1986 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 119/89
1989 Why did prehistoric people domesticate food animals? In: Bar Yosef, O. and Vandermeersch, B. (eds.), Investigations in south Levantine prehistory. pp. 43‑59. Oxford, BAR International Series 497
*1990 Some peculiarly damaged cattle metapodials. Circaea 6, 115‑118
*1991 Faunal remains from the Late Saxon ‑ Mediaeval farmstead at Eckweek in Avon, 1988‑1989 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 35/91
*1991 Faunal remains from Closegate I & II, Newcastle, Tyne & Wear, 1988 & 1990 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 81/91
1991 When and why did prehistoric people domesticate animals? Some evidence from Israel and Cyprus. In: Bar‑Yosef, O. and Valla, F.R. (eds.), The Natufian culture in the Levant. pp. 381‑390. Ann Arbor, Michigan, International Monographs in Prehistory
1992 (with King, P.) Small mammal remains found in a Saxon bucket at Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, 1981 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 17/92
1992 Saxon & Medieval animal bones from Burystead and Langham road, Northants; 1984-1987 excavations. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 71/92
*1992 A rapid method for recording information about mammal bones from archaeological sites. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory report 19/92
*1992 (with Payne, S.) 101 ways to deal with a dead hedgehog: notes on the preparation of disarticulated skeletons for zoo‑archaeological use. Circaea 8, 95‑104
*(Spanish translation by M. Mondini) 2003. 101 modos de tratar un erizo muerto: notas sobre la preparación de esqueletos desarticulados para uso zooarqueológico (traduccion de M. Mondini). Archaeofauna 12,203-211)
*1993 (with Payne, S.) A barrowful of cattle skulls. Antiquity 67, 12-22
*1993: The zoo‑archaeology of sheep and goat in Mesopotamia. In: Postgate, N. (ed.), Domestic animals of Mesopotamia part I, Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture 7, 1-7
*1994 Even more bones from Khirokitia: The 1988-1991 excavations. In: Le Brun, A. Fouilles récentes à Khirokitia (Chypre) 1988‑1991. pp. 305-333. Paris, ADPF, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations
*1994 (with Lernau, O. and Pichon, J.) The animal remains: new light on the origin of animal husbandry. In: Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. (eds.), Le gisement de Hatoula en Judée occidentale, Israël. pp. 83-100. Mémoirs et Travaux du Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem 8. Paris, Association Paléorient
1994 The Hartebeest bones from Hatoula revisited. In: Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. (eds.), In: Lechevallier, M. and Ronen, A. (eds.), Le gisement de Hatoula en Judée occidentale, Israël. pp. 129-131. Mémoirs et Travaux du Centre de Recherche Français de Jerusalem 8. Paris, Association Paléorient
*1994 (with Albarella, U.) The Saxon and medieval animal bones excavated 1985-1989 from West Cotton, Northamptonshire. London, HBMC AM Laboratory report 17/94 []
1994 Archaeology of the Near East: proceedings of the first international symposium on the archaeozoology of southwestern Asia and adjacent areas Edited by Buitenhuis, H. and Clason, A.T. 1993. Leiden: Backhuys. Journal of Archaeological Science 21, 574-575 (Book Review)
*1995 Animal bones from the Iron Age site at Edix Hill, Barrington, Cambridgeshire, 1989-1991 excavations. London, HBMC AM Laboratory report 54/95
1995 The animal bones, pp. 191-197 in: Fraser, R.; Jamfrey, C. and Vaughan, J. Excavation on the site of the Mansion House, Newcastle, 1990. Archaeologia Aeliana fifth series 23, 145-213
*1996 Animal sacrifices. In: Buitron-Oliver, D. (ed.). The Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion: Excavations in the Archaic Precinct. pp. 181-2. Jonsered, Sweden, Paul Åströms förlag
*1996 (with Albarella, U.) Mammals and birds from Launceston Castle, Cornwall: decline in status and the rise of agriculture. Circaea 12, 1-156 []
*1996 Measurements of a group of adult female Shetland sheep skeletons from a single flock: a baseline for zooarchaeologists. Journal of Archaeological Science 23, 593-612
1996 Mammoths by Lister, A. and Bahn, P. 1994. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6, 515-516 (Book Review)
*1997 Animal bones from the Roman site Redlands Farm, Stanwick, Northamptonshire, 1990 excavation. London, HBMC AM Laboratory report 106/97
1997 (with Corke, E. and Payne, S.) A list of vertebrate skeletons in the reference collection of the Ancient Monuments Laboratory, London. London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 92/97
*1997 The Agricultural Revolution in England: some zoo-archaeological evidence. Anthropozoologica 25-26, 413-428
*1998 (with Corke, E. and Payne, S.): The organisation of a zoo-archaeological reference collection of bird bones. Environmental Archaeology 2, 67-69.
* 1999 (with J. Beckett): Animal husbandry and agricultural improvement: the archaeological evidence from animal bones and teeth. Rural History 10, 1-17
1999 Animal bones from the Iron Age site at Wardy Hill, Coveney, Cambridgeshire, 1991 excavations. London, HBMC AM Laboratory report 47/99
Also published in: East Anglian Archaeology, 103 (2003) pp. 122-131 and 273-278
*2000 The effect of castration and age on the development of the Shetland sheep skeleton and a metric comparison between bones of males, females and castrates Journal of Archaeological Science 27, 373-390
2001 (with Connell, B.) The animal bones. In: Biddle, M.; Hiller, J.; Scott, I. and Streeten, A. Henry VIII’s coastal artillery fort at Camber Castle, Rye, East Sussex: An archaeological, structural and historical investigation. pp. 301-332. Oxford, Oxford Archaeological Unit and English Heritage
*2001 Blood, bones and ladies' tights, or the things we do in our laboratory New York, Rubber Band Society Gazette 1 (1), 1 & 6
2001 (with Moreno García, M. Estudio de las asociaciones faun Alcácer do Sal, Convento de São Francisco, Santarém y Sé de Lisboa. In: Lacerda, M.; Soromenho, M.; Ramalho, M. de M. and Lopes, C. GARB: Sítios Islâmicos do Sul Peninsular. Pp. 231-255. Lisboa, IPPAR
*2002 British Agriculture: Texts for the zoo-archaeologist Environmental Archaeology 7, 51-64
*2002 The mammals and birds from the Gruta do Caldeirão, Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 5, 29-98
2003 Faunal remains from Alcáçova de Santarém, Portugal. Trabalhos do CIPA 53, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
2003 Chalcolithic animal bones from Mercador, Alentejo; some biometrical considerations. In: Moreno García, M. Estudo arqueozoológico dos restos faunísticos do povoado Calcolítico do Mercador (Mourão). Trabalhos do CIPA 56, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
*2003 (with Baker, P.; Payne, S. and Revill, M.) On preparing animal skeletons: a simple and effective method. International Council for Archaeozoology Newsletter 4 (1) 4 and 15
*2003 (with Moreno-García, M. and Pimenta, C.) Arqueozoologia: estudo da fauna no passado. Pp. 191-234. In: Mateus J.E. and Moreno-García, M. (eds.) Paleoecologia Humana e Arqueociências. Um Programa Multidisciplinar para a Arqueologia sob a Tutela da Cultura. pp. Trabalhos de Arqueologia
*2003 (with Moreno-García, M.; Pimenta, C. and Gabriel, S.) A osteoteca: uma ferramenta de trabalho. In: Mateus J.E. and Moreno-García, M. (eds.) Paleoecologia Humana e Arqueociências. Um Programa Multidisciplinar para a Arqueologia sob a Tutela da Cultura. pp. 235-261. Trabalhos de Arqueologia
*2003 The zoo-archaeology of Khirokitia (Neolithic Cyprus), including a view from the mainland. In: Guilaine, J. and Le Brun, A. (eds.) Le Néolithique de Chypre; Actes du Colloque International organisé par le Département des Antiquités de Chypre et l’École française d’Athènes; Nicosie 17-19 Mai 2001. Athens, École française d’Athènes. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, Supplément 43, 253-268
*2003 101 metodos de tratar un erizo muerto: notas sobre la preparación de esqueletos desarticulados para uso zooarqueológico (traduccion de M. Mondini). Archaeofauna 12,203-211
2004 The astragalus: why is this bone important to zoo-archaeologists? New York, Rubber Band Society Gazette 4 (1), 3
2004 Animal remains from Roman and Medieval Tomar, Portugal. Trabalhos do CIPA 68, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
* 2005 Why domesticate food animals? some zoo-archaeological evidence from the Levant. Journal of Archaeological Science 32, 1408-1416
* 2005 (with Albarella, Detry and Rowley-Conwy) Pigs of the “Far West”: the biometry of Sus from archaeological sites in Portugal. Anthropozoologica 40 (2) 27-54
2005 Animal bones from Roman São Pedro, Fronteira, Alentejo. Trabalhos do CIPA 88, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
2005 Animal remains from the Moslem period site of São Pedro de Canaferrim, Castelo dos Mouros, Sintra, Portugal. Trabalhos do CIPA 89, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
* 2006 Faunal remains from Alcáçova de Santarém, Portugal. Trabalhos de Arqueologia Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia. 43,11-144
* 2006 (with Pereira, F.; Pereira, L.; McEvoy, B.; Bradley, D.G. and Amorim, A.) Genetic signatures of a Mediterranean influence in Iberian Peninsula sheep husbandry. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23 (7), 140-146
* 2006 Agricultural improvements in gharb al-Andaluz – zoo-archaeological evidence from the sheep bones. In: Bicho, N.F. (Ed.) Animais na Pré-história e Arqueologia da Península Ibérica; Actas do IV congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular (Faro, 14 a 19 de Setembro de 2004). Promontoria Monográfica 03. pp. 219-239
* 2006 The first steps of animal domestication; new archaeozoological approaches. Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ conference, Durham 2002. Oxford: Oxbow books. J.-D. Vigne, J. Peters and D. Helmer (eds). 2004. Paléorient 32 (1), 152-154 (Book Review)
2006 (with Albarella, U. and Smith, P.) Faunal remains – The mammal and bird bones: a brief revisit. In: Saunders, A. (ed.), Excavations at Launceston Castle, Cornwall. London, Maney Publishing, pp. 447-454
* 2006 Animal bone. Pp. 42-45 In: Hurst, J D (ed), Roman Droitwich: Dodderhill fort, Bays Meadow villa, and roadside settlement, CBA Research Report 146,
*2007a Mammal and bird remains from the Iron Age and Roman periods at Castro Marim, Algarve. Trabalhos do CIPA 107, Lisbon, Instituto Português de Arqueologia.
* 2007b (with Robert, I. and Zilhão, J.) “Caldeirão cave, (Central Portugal) – whose home? Hyaena, man, bearded vulture … “. In: Kahlke, R.-D., Maul, L. C. & Mazza, P. (Eds.). Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Proceedings of the 18th International Senckenberg Conference (VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 259, 215-228
* 2007c (with Moreno García, M) Of metapodials, measurements and music – eight years of miscellaneous zooarchaeological discoveries at the IPA, Lisbon. O Arqueólogo Português, Série IV, 25, 9-165
* 2008 Zooarchaeological evidence for Moslem and Christian improvements of sheep and cattle in Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (4), 991-1010
* 2008 “Thou shalt take of the ram ... the right thigh; for it is a ram of consecration…” some zoo-archaeological examples of body-part preferences. pp. 63-70. In: D’Andria F., De Grossi Mazzorin J. and Fiorentino G. (Eds.) “Uomini, piante e animali nella dimensione del sacro”, Atti del Seminario di Studi di Bioarcheologia, Cavallino (Lecce) 28 – 29 giugno 2002, Edipuglia, Bari.
* 2008 (with Gonçalves, M-J. and Gabriel, S.) Animal remains from a Moslem period /12th/13th century AD) lixeira (garbage dump) in Silves, Algarve, Portugal. Revista Portuguêsa de Arqueologia 11 (1), 183-258
2009 - I resti faunistici. In: Arthur, P. and Bruno, B. (eds.), Il complesso tardo-antico ed alto-medievale dei SS. Cosma e Damiano, detto Le Centoporte, Giurdignano (LE). Scavi 1993-1996, Galatina, p. 216. Congedo Editore
* 2009 (with MacKinnon, M.) Did the Romans bring fallow deer to Portugal? Environmental Archaeology 14 (1), 15-26
* 2009 Filipe Pereira, Sara Queirós, Leonor Gusmão, Isaac J. Nijman, Edwin Cuppen, Johannes A. Lenstra,Econogene Consortium, Simon J.M. Davis, Fouad Nejmeddine, and António Amorim Tracing the history of goat pastoralism: new clues from mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA in North Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution [Advance Access published September 3, 2009) 1-15.
* 2009 Animal remains from an 18th-19th century AD pit in the Palácio Centeno, Lisbon. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 12 (2) 271-282
* 2010 Zilhão J, Davis SJM, Duarte C, Soares AMM, Steier P. (2010) Pego do Diabo (Loures, Portugal): Dating the Emergence of Anatomical Modernity in Westernmost Eurasia. PLoS ONE 5(1): e8880. []
* 2010(with Robert, I. and Zilhão, J.) La Cueva de Caldeirão, (Portugal Central) ¿El hogar de hienas, hombres, quebrantahuesos…? In: Baquedano, E. and Rosell, J. (Eds.) Actas de la 1ª Reunión de científicos sobre cubiles de hiena (y otros grandes carnívoros) en los yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica. Zona Arqueológica 13. pp. 282-296. Alcalá de Henares, Museo Arqueológico Regional.
2011 The animal remains from Barrow 1. pp. 67-691. In: Harding, J. & Healy, F. (eds), The Raunds Area Project. A Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape in Northamptonshire. Volume 2. Supplementary Studies. Swindon: English Heritage. [compact disc]
* 2011. with E. Trinkaus, S.E. Bailey, and J. Zilhão. The Magdalenian Human Remains from the Galeria da Cisterna (Almonda karstic system, Torres Novas, Portugal) and their Archaeological Context. O Arqueólogo Português Série V, 1, 395-413
* 2012 Davis, S.J.M; Svensson, E.M.; Albarella, U.; Detry, C.; Götherström, A.; Pires, A.E. and Ginja, C. Molecular and osteometric sexing of cattle metacarpals: a case study from 15th century AD Beja, Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science. London. 39 (5), 1445-1454. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2011.12.003
* 2012 Davis, S.J.M. and Mataloto, R. Animal remains from Chalcolithic São Pedro (Redondo, Alentejo): evidence for a crisis in the Mesolithic. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 15, 47-85
* 2012. Animal bones at the Nahal Zehora sites. In: Gopher, A. (Ed.) Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe Hills, Israel. Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora. Emery and Clair Yass Publications in Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University. pp. 1258-1320
*2013 Davis, S.J.M. and Detry, C. Crise no mesolítico: evidências zooarqueológicas. In: (eds.) Arnaud,J.M.; Martins,A. and Neves, C.
Arqueologia em Portugal – 150 Anos. pp. 297-309. Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, Lisboa
* 2013 Davis, S.J.M; Svensson, E.M.; Albarella, U.; Detry, C.; Götherström, A.; Pires, A.E. and Ginja, C. Evidencia de mejoras de ovino y vacuno durante época andalusí y Cristiana en Portugal a partir del análisis zooarqueológico y de ADN antiguo. Debates de Arqeología Medieval 3, 241-287
*2015 Davis, S.J.M. Extinction, arrival and improvement of Lusitanian animals. pp. 19-47. In: Penjon, J. and Pereira, C. (sous la direction) L’animal dans le monde lusophone. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
Davis, S.J.M. and Simões, T. (2016) - The velocity of Ovis in prehistoric times: the sheep bones from early Neolithic Lameiras, Sintra, Portugal. pp. 51-66. In: Diniz,M.; Neves, C. and Martins, A. (Eds.) O Neolítico em Portugal antes do Horizonte 2020: Perspectivas em Debate. Lisbon, Associação dos Arqueólogos Portuguesas, Monografias 2.
Davis, S.J.M. (2016) Hacia una distinción métrica entre los astrágalos de oveja y cabra. In: Lloveras Ll., Rissech C., Nadal J., Fullola JM (eds.), What bones tell us. El que ens expliquen els ossos, Monografies del SERP 12, Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 35-58
Davis, S.J.M. and Vilhena, J. (2017) - Animal remains from Iron Age and Roman Odemira, Portugal. Archaeofauna: International Journal of Archaeozoology 26, 199-217 Madrid, Spain
Davis, S.J.M. and Gonçalves, A. (2017) – Animal remains from the 4th-5th century AD well at São Miguel de Odrinhas, Sintra, Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 20, 139-156.
Davis, S.J.M. (2017) – Towards a metrical distinction between sheep and goat astragali. In: Rowley-Conwy, P.; Serjeantson, D. and Halstead, P. (eds.). pp. 50-82. Economic zooarchaeology: studies in hunting, herding and early agriculture. Oxford, Oxbow Books.
Davis, S.J.M. (2017) – Zooarchaeological evidence for Moslem improvement of sheep (Ovis aries) in Portugal. pp. 178-194. In: (Eds.) Albarella, U.; Rizzetto, M.; Russ, H.; Vickers, K. and Viner-Daniels, S. The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology
Gameiro, C.; Davis, S. and Almeida, F. (2017) – A sequência estratigráfica da Lapa dos Coelhos: funcionalidade e subsistência ao longo do Pleistocénico no sopé na Serra de Aire (Portugal). pp. 357-374. In: Arqueologia em Portugal – Estado da Questão. Associação dos Arqueólogos Portuguesas.
2018 Davis, S.J.M.; Albarella, U.; Detry, C.; Ginja, C.; Götherström, A.; Pires, A.E., Sendim, A. & Svensson, E.M. (2018) - An osteometrical method for sexing cattle bones: the metacarpals from 17th century Carnide, Lisbon, Portugal. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 120, 367-387.
In press. Davis, S.J.M. More Animal Bones from Tel Yarmut: an Early Bronze Age II and III Site in Israel Chapter 22: Israel Antiquities Authority
In press. Davis, S.J.M. The Neolithic mammals from Khirokitia, Cyprus: stasis and change on an oceanic island. In: Le Brun and Daune-Le Brun. Les fouilles de Khirokitia 1977-2007. Paris, Maison de l'Archéologie et de l'Ethnologie de Nanterre
última actualização Fevereiro de 2018