Ruth Pliego

Nome: Ruth Pliego
Título profissional: Investigadora Principal
Instituição: Uniarq, Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa
Grau académico: Doutora em História
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0003-2125-3974
Endereço no Academia:
Endereço no Researchgate:
Investigação: Numismática
Projecto CEEC: The Iberian Peninsula in post-Roman times: the role of coinage (CEECIND/00556/2018)
The project aims to establish a corpus of the coins of the period of the Late Antiquity/Early Middle Ages of the Iberian Peninsula, through an open-access web platform that gives visibility to this fundamental primary source of history. This is articulated in a series of key case studies from Spain and Portugal, diverse in terms of metals and issuing authorities and selected for their real and potential contribution to providing a global image of the period throughout the territory. The platform will be designed with sophisticated techniques and following the methodological approaches of the European numismatic research. The innovation is that this historical period has not yet been approached in this way, having as a novelty the inclusion and joint analysis of disparate material. The corpus will be available in the UNIARQ, where in conjunction with other archaeological sources will allow one to approach in a global and integrated way the study of this largely unknown period and to obtain a more accurate knowledge of it. The challenge of the project is to place the entire Iberian Peninsula at the vanguard of humanities digitization in terms of numismatic heritage documentation of this period.
Título profissional: Investigadora Principal
Instituição: Uniarq, Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa
Grau académico: Doutora em História
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0003-2125-3974
Endereço no Academia:
Endereço no Researchgate:
Investigação: Numismática
Projecto CEEC: The Iberian Peninsula in post-Roman times: the role of coinage (CEECIND/00556/2018)
The project aims to establish a corpus of the coins of the period of the Late Antiquity/Early Middle Ages of the Iberian Peninsula, through an open-access web platform that gives visibility to this fundamental primary source of history. This is articulated in a series of key case studies from Spain and Portugal, diverse in terms of metals and issuing authorities and selected for their real and potential contribution to providing a global image of the period throughout the territory. The platform will be designed with sophisticated techniques and following the methodological approaches of the European numismatic research. The innovation is that this historical period has not yet been approached in this way, having as a novelty the inclusion and joint analysis of disparate material. The corpus will be available in the UNIARQ, where in conjunction with other archaeological sources will allow one to approach in a global and integrated way the study of this largely unknown period and to obtain a more accurate knowledge of it. The challenge of the project is to place the entire Iberian Peninsula at the vanguard of humanities digitization in terms of numismatic heritage documentation of this period.
última actualização Setembro 2020