Mariana Nabais

Nome: Mariana Vilas Boas de Castro Nabais
Título profissional: Arqueóloga
Instituição: Institute of Archaeology, University College London, UK
Grau académico: Master of Science (MSc) Environmental Archaeology
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0001-5344-237X
Endereço no Researchgate:
Investigação desenvolvida no âmbito da zooarqueologia e reconstrucção paleo-ambiental, com principal foco em cronologias do Paleolítico na Península Ibérica. Tem também desenvolvido trabalho como zooarqueóloga em âmbitos de investigação e de arqueologia comercial em várias outras cronologias, desde o Neolítico até à Idade Moderna, na Península Ibérica e Reino Unido. Desde 2018 que co-dirige os trabalhos arqueológicos realizados no Castelo Velho de Safara (Moura, Portugal).
Nabais M, Roberts M, Barber N., 2019. Deer Parks and Recreation. Zooarchaeological evidence form the Earls of Arundel Hunting Lodge in Downley (West Sussex, UK). PeerJ Preprints, 7: e27653v1.
Nabais, M., Zilhão, J., in press. The consumption of tortoise among Last Interglacial Iberian Neanderthals. Quaternary Science Reviews.
Nabais, M., 2018. Neanderthal Subsistence in Portugal: What Evidence? Archaeology International, 21: 95-100.
Nabais, M., Costa, C., Mataloto, R., Calado, M., 2018. The reluctance of rural populations to foreign influences in the 1st millennium B.C.: Zooarchaeological evidences from the right side of the middle-course of the river Guadiana, Portugal. Estudos do Quaternário, 18: 53-65.
Nabais, M., Costa, C., 2018. Birds of the Roman uilla of Almoinhas (Loures, Portugal). Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 21: 131-139.
Lewis, C., Farebrother, E., Nabais, M. and Ward, C., 2017. Bones and Brexit: The Past and the Future Introduction to PIA Volume 26/27. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 27: 1–4,
Nabais, M., Soares, R., 2017b. Os ossos trabalhados do Castro da Azougada (Moura, Portugal). Actas do II Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, pp. 921-933.
Nabais, M., Soares, R., 2017a. Zooarchaeological evidence from the Iron Age site of Castro da Azougada (Moura, Portugal). Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 20, 61-69.
Nabais, M., Rodrigues, F. 2017. Animal bones from the Late Neolithic site of Ponte da Azambuja 2 (Évora, Portugal). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 27: 500-507.
Nabais, M., 2014. Animal bones from the Roman site of Tróia (Grândola, Portugal). Mammal and bird remains from the fish-salting workshop 2 (2007/08). In Detry. C. & Dias, R. (eds), Proceeding of the First Zooarchaeology Conference in Portugal. BAR International Series 2662, 69-75.
Nabais, M., 2012. Middle Palaeolithic Tortoise Use at Gruta da Oliveira (Torres Novas, Portugal). IV Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica (Faro, 11, 12 e 13 de Maio de 2011). JIA 2011. Faro, 251-257.
Nabais, M., 2011. The Neanderthal Occupation of Gruta da Oliveira (Almonda Karstic System, Torres Novas, Portugal). Analysis of the Burnt Bones. In OrJIA (eds), II Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica (Madrid, 6, 7 y 8 de Mayo de 2009). JIA 2009, Tomo I. Madrid: Libros Pórtico, 381-385.
Zilhão, J., Angelucci, D., Aubry, T., Badal, E., Brugal, J.P., Carvalho, R., Gameiro, C., Hoffmann, D., Matias, H., Maurício, J., Nabais, M., Pike, A., Póvoas, L., Richter, D., Souto, P., Trinkaus, E., Wainer, K., Willman, J., 2013. A Gruta da Oliveira (Torres Novas): uma jazida de referência para o Paleolítico Médio da Península Ibérica. In J. Arnaud, A. Martins & C. Neves, Arqueologia em Portugal – 150 anos. Lisboa: Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, 259-268.
Zilhão, J., Angelucci, D., Argant, J., Brugal, J.P., Carrión, J., Carvalho, R., Fuentes, N., Nabais, M., 2010. Humans and Hyenas in the Middle Paleolithic of Gruta da Oliveira (Almonda Karstic System, Torres Novas, Portugal). Actas de la 1ª Reunión de cientificos sobre cubiles de hiena (y otros grandes carnívoros) en los yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica. Alcalá, 299-308.
Outras informações:
2018-ongoing, Co-Director in the excavation project of Castelo Velho de Safara, Moura, Portugal, together with Dr. Rui Monge Soares (University of Lisbon – Uniarq, Portugal).
2018-2021, Researcher in the project PALAEOSHELLS – The use of coastal resources during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in the Cantabrian region (Spain), directed by Dr. Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti (University of Cantabria – IIPC, Spain)
2018-2021, Researcher in the project PTDC/HAR-ARQ/30413/2017, ARQEVO – Archaeology and Evolution of Early Humans in the Western Façade of Iberia, directed by Dr. João Zilhão (ICREA, Spain; University of Barcelona, Spain; University of Lisbon – Uniarq, Portugal)
2016-2019, Researcher in the project PTDC/EPH-ARQ/6485/2014, SHELLS – Sea surface temperature, upwelling, productivity of coastal waters and seasonality of shellfish gathering by the Last Interglacial Neanderthal populations of central Portugal, directed by Dr. António Monge Soares (Instituto Superior Técnico – C2TN, Portugal)
2014-2016, Assistant Director in the project Downley, Earls of Arundel Hunting Lodge, west Dean, Sussex, UK, directed by Dr. Mark Roberts (Institute of Archaeology, University College London, UK)
2010-2013, Collaborator in the project PTDC/HIS-ARQ/098164/2008, Middle Palaeolithic in the Almonda Karstic System, directed by Dr. João Zilhão (ICREA, Spain; University of Barcelona, Spain; University of Lisbon – Uniarq, Portugal)
última actualização em Abril de 2019
Título profissional: Arqueóloga
Instituição: Institute of Archaeology, University College London, UK
Grau académico: Master of Science (MSc) Environmental Archaeology
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0001-5344-237X
Endereço no Researchgate:
Investigação desenvolvida no âmbito da zooarqueologia e reconstrucção paleo-ambiental, com principal foco em cronologias do Paleolítico na Península Ibérica. Tem também desenvolvido trabalho como zooarqueóloga em âmbitos de investigação e de arqueologia comercial em várias outras cronologias, desde o Neolítico até à Idade Moderna, na Península Ibérica e Reino Unido. Desde 2018 que co-dirige os trabalhos arqueológicos realizados no Castelo Velho de Safara (Moura, Portugal).
Nabais M, Roberts M, Barber N., 2019. Deer Parks and Recreation. Zooarchaeological evidence form the Earls of Arundel Hunting Lodge in Downley (West Sussex, UK). PeerJ Preprints, 7: e27653v1.
Nabais, M., Zilhão, J., in press. The consumption of tortoise among Last Interglacial Iberian Neanderthals. Quaternary Science Reviews.
Nabais, M., 2018. Neanderthal Subsistence in Portugal: What Evidence? Archaeology International, 21: 95-100.
Nabais, M., Costa, C., Mataloto, R., Calado, M., 2018. The reluctance of rural populations to foreign influences in the 1st millennium B.C.: Zooarchaeological evidences from the right side of the middle-course of the river Guadiana, Portugal. Estudos do Quaternário, 18: 53-65.
Nabais, M., Costa, C., 2018. Birds of the Roman uilla of Almoinhas (Loures, Portugal). Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 21: 131-139.
Lewis, C., Farebrother, E., Nabais, M. and Ward, C., 2017. Bones and Brexit: The Past and the Future Introduction to PIA Volume 26/27. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 27: 1–4,
Nabais, M., Soares, R., 2017b. Os ossos trabalhados do Castro da Azougada (Moura, Portugal). Actas do II Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, pp. 921-933.
Nabais, M., Soares, R., 2017a. Zooarchaeological evidence from the Iron Age site of Castro da Azougada (Moura, Portugal). Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 20, 61-69.
Nabais, M., Rodrigues, F. 2017. Animal bones from the Late Neolithic site of Ponte da Azambuja 2 (Évora, Portugal). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 27: 500-507.
Nabais, M., 2014. Animal bones from the Roman site of Tróia (Grândola, Portugal). Mammal and bird remains from the fish-salting workshop 2 (2007/08). In Detry. C. & Dias, R. (eds), Proceeding of the First Zooarchaeology Conference in Portugal. BAR International Series 2662, 69-75.
Nabais, M., 2012. Middle Palaeolithic Tortoise Use at Gruta da Oliveira (Torres Novas, Portugal). IV Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica (Faro, 11, 12 e 13 de Maio de 2011). JIA 2011. Faro, 251-257.
Nabais, M., 2011. The Neanderthal Occupation of Gruta da Oliveira (Almonda Karstic System, Torres Novas, Portugal). Analysis of the Burnt Bones. In OrJIA (eds), II Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica (Madrid, 6, 7 y 8 de Mayo de 2009). JIA 2009, Tomo I. Madrid: Libros Pórtico, 381-385.
Zilhão, J., Angelucci, D., Aubry, T., Badal, E., Brugal, J.P., Carvalho, R., Gameiro, C., Hoffmann, D., Matias, H., Maurício, J., Nabais, M., Pike, A., Póvoas, L., Richter, D., Souto, P., Trinkaus, E., Wainer, K., Willman, J., 2013. A Gruta da Oliveira (Torres Novas): uma jazida de referência para o Paleolítico Médio da Península Ibérica. In J. Arnaud, A. Martins & C. Neves, Arqueologia em Portugal – 150 anos. Lisboa: Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, 259-268.
Zilhão, J., Angelucci, D., Argant, J., Brugal, J.P., Carrión, J., Carvalho, R., Fuentes, N., Nabais, M., 2010. Humans and Hyenas in the Middle Paleolithic of Gruta da Oliveira (Almonda Karstic System, Torres Novas, Portugal). Actas de la 1ª Reunión de cientificos sobre cubiles de hiena (y otros grandes carnívoros) en los yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica. Alcalá, 299-308.
Outras informações:
2018-ongoing, Co-Director in the excavation project of Castelo Velho de Safara, Moura, Portugal, together with Dr. Rui Monge Soares (University of Lisbon – Uniarq, Portugal).
2018-2021, Researcher in the project PALAEOSHELLS – The use of coastal resources during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in the Cantabrian region (Spain), directed by Dr. Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti (University of Cantabria – IIPC, Spain)
2018-2021, Researcher in the project PTDC/HAR-ARQ/30413/2017, ARQEVO – Archaeology and Evolution of Early Humans in the Western Façade of Iberia, directed by Dr. João Zilhão (ICREA, Spain; University of Barcelona, Spain; University of Lisbon – Uniarq, Portugal)
2016-2019, Researcher in the project PTDC/EPH-ARQ/6485/2014, SHELLS – Sea surface temperature, upwelling, productivity of coastal waters and seasonality of shellfish gathering by the Last Interglacial Neanderthal populations of central Portugal, directed by Dr. António Monge Soares (Instituto Superior Técnico – C2TN, Portugal)
2014-2016, Assistant Director in the project Downley, Earls of Arundel Hunting Lodge, west Dean, Sussex, UK, directed by Dr. Mark Roberts (Institute of Archaeology, University College London, UK)
2010-2013, Collaborator in the project PTDC/HIS-ARQ/098164/2008, Middle Palaeolithic in the Almonda Karstic System, directed by Dr. João Zilhão (ICREA, Spain; University of Barcelona, Spain; University of Lisbon – Uniarq, Portugal)
última actualização em Abril de 2019