João Zilhão
Nome: João Zilhão
Título profissional: Professor
ICREA Research Professor, University of Barcelona
Professor Catedrático Convidado da Universidade de Lisboa
Grau académico: Agregação
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Endereço no Researchgate:
The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Europe has been the focus of my research for the last 20 years. This research interest has led to fieldwork at different sites, namely: (a) the Lagar Velho rock-shelter (Portugal) and its burial of an early modern human child with diagnostic Neandertal features (skeletal evidence of interbreeding at the time of Neandertal/modern contact in Europe); (b) the Gruta da Oliveira (Almonda karstic system, Portugal), where fieldwork exposed 13 m of deposit spanning the ~35-105 ka interval; (c) the Pestera cu Oase (Romania), site of Europe's oldest modern humans; (d) Cueva Antón (Murcia, Spain), with its Mousterian painted/perforated Pecten shell. My current focus lies on documenting the behavioral modernity of the last Neandertals and the ecological and cultural underpinnings of their late persistence in Iberian regions located to the south of the Ebro drainage.
PDF do CV J. Zilhão Fev 2018
última actualização em Fevereiro de 2018
Título profissional: Professor
ICREA Research Professor, University of Barcelona
Professor Catedrático Convidado da Universidade de Lisboa
Grau académico: Agregação
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Endereço no Researchgate:
The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Europe has been the focus of my research for the last 20 years. This research interest has led to fieldwork at different sites, namely: (a) the Lagar Velho rock-shelter (Portugal) and its burial of an early modern human child with diagnostic Neandertal features (skeletal evidence of interbreeding at the time of Neandertal/modern contact in Europe); (b) the Gruta da Oliveira (Almonda karstic system, Portugal), where fieldwork exposed 13 m of deposit spanning the ~35-105 ka interval; (c) the Pestera cu Oase (Romania), site of Europe's oldest modern humans; (d) Cueva Antón (Murcia, Spain), with its Mousterian painted/perforated Pecten shell. My current focus lies on documenting the behavioral modernity of the last Neandertals and the ecological and cultural underpinnings of their late persistence in Iberian regions located to the south of the Ebro drainage.
PDF do CV J. Zilhão Fev 2018
última actualização em Fevereiro de 2018