Catarina Ginja
Nome: Catarina Ginja
Título profissional: Investigadora
Instituição: CIBIO-InBio – Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Universidade do Porto
Grau académico: Doutoramento
Email: [email protected]
Investigação: PI dos projectos ARADO - Archaeogenetics of animal domestication and improvement (IF/0866/2014) e ARCHAIC - The archaeogenetics of Iberian cattle: investigating their origins, evolution and improvement (FCT-PTDC/CVTLIV/2827/2014 e COMPETE- POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016647)
Publicações (desde 2013):
Capítulos de livros
- GINJA C, Cortés O, Gama LT, Delgado JV, Amills M, Bruno de Sousa C, Cañón J, Capote J, Dunner S, Ferrando A, Gómez Carpio M, Gómez M, Jordana J, Landi V, Manunza A, Martin-Burriel I, Pons Barro A, Rodellar C, Santos-Silva F, Sevane N, Vidal O, Zaragoza P, Martínez A (2017). Conservation of Goat Populations from Southwestern Europe Based on Molecular Diversity Criteria. In Simões J, Gutierrez C (Eds.) Sustainable Goat Production Under Mountain, Semi-arid and Arid Agro-ecosystems. Vol. I, Chapter 29. Springer Nature: 509-533. ISBN: 978-3-319-71854-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71855-2
Artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com arbitragem científica
- Sevane, N., O. Cortés, L.T. Gama, A. Martínez, P. Zaragoza, M. Amills, D. O. Bedotti, C. Bruno de Sousa, J. Cañon, S. Dunner, C. GINJA, M. R. Lanari, V. Landi, P. Sponenberg, J. V. Delgado and The BioGoat Consortium (2018). Dissection of ancestral genetic contributions to Creole goat populations. ANIMAL (in press). doi:10.1017/S1751731117003627
- Pires, A.E., C. Detry C, C. Fernandez-Rodriguez, S. Valenzuela-Lamas, A.M. Arruda, J.D.G. Mazzorin, M. Ollivier, C. Hänni, F. Simões, C. GINJA (2017). Roman dogs from the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb – A glimpse into their morphology and genetics. Quaternary International. (in press) doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.11.044.
- Davis, S.J.M., U. Albarella, C. Detry, C. GINJA, A. Götherström, A.E. Pires, A. Sendim, E.M. Svensson, (2017). An osteometrical method for sexing cattle bones: the metacarpals from 17th century Carnide, Lisbon, Portugal, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 120: 367-387.
- Pelayo, R., M.C.T. Penedo, M. Valera, A. Molina, L. Millon, C. GINJA, Royo LJ (2017). Identification of a new Y chromosome haplogroup in Spanish native cattle. Animal Genetics, 48(4): 450-454. doi: 10.1111/age.12549
- Cortés, O., S. Dunner, L.T. Gama, A.M. Martínez, J.V. Delgado, C. GINJA, L.M. Jiménez, J. Jordana, C. Luis, M.M. Oom, P. Sponenberg, P. Zaragoza, J.L. Vega-Pla (2017). The legacy of Columbus in American horse populations assessed by microsatellite markers. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 134(4):340-350. DOI: 10.1111/jbg.12255
- GINJA, C., L.T. Gama, A. Martínez, N. Sevane, I. Martin-Burriel, M.R. Lanari, M.A. Revidatti, J.A. Aranguren-Méndez , D.O. Bedotti, M.N. Ribeiro, P. Sponenberg, E.L. Aguirre, L.A. Alvarez-Franco, M.P.C. Menezes, E. Chacón, A. Galarza, N. Gómez-Urviola, O.R. Martínez-López, E.C. Pimenta-Filho, L.L. da Rocha, A. Stemmer, V. Landi, J.V. Delgado-Bermejo (2017). Genetic diversity and patterns of population structure in Creole goats from the Americas. Animal Genetics, 48(3): 315-329. doi: 10.1111/age.12529
- Upadhyay, M.R., W. Chen, J.A. Lenstra, C.R.J. Goderie, D.E. MacHugh, S.D.E. Park, D.A. Magee, D. Matassino, F. Ciani, H.J. Megens, J.A.M. van Arendonk, M.A.M. Groenen, European Cattle Genetic Diversity Consortium, R. Crooijmans (2017). Genetic origin, admixture and population history of aurochs (Bos primigenius) and primitive European cattle. Heredity, 118: 169-176. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2016.79
- Gaspar, A.R., G. Hayes, C. GINJA, M. Ginja, R.J. Todhunter (2016). The Norberg angle is not an accurate predictor of canine hip conformation based on the distraction index and the dorsolateral subluxation score. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 135: 47-52.
- Cortés, O., A.M. Martinez, J. Cañon, N. Sevane, L.T. Gama, C. GINJA, V. Landi, P. Zaragoza, N. Carolino, A. Vicente, P. Sponenberg, J.V. Delgado (2016). Conservation priorities of Iberoamerican pig breeds and their ancestors based on microsatellite information. Heredity, 117: 14-24. doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.21
- Bruford, M.W., C. GINJA, I. Hoffmann, J. Stéphane, P. Orozco-terWengel, F.J. Alberto, A.J. Amaral, M. Barbato, F. Biscarini, L. Colli, M. Costa, I. Curik, S. Duruz, M. Ferencakovic, D. Fischer, R. Fitak, L.F. Groeneveld, S.J.G. Hall, O. Hanotte, F. Hassan, P. Helsen, L. Iacolina, J. Kantanen, K. Leempoel, J.A. Lenstra, P. Ajmone-Marsan, C. Masembe, .-J. Megens, M. Miele, M. Neuditschko, E.L. Nicolazzi, F. Pompanon, J. Roosen, N. Sevane, A. Smetko, A. Štambuk, I. Streeter, S. Stucki, C. Supakorn, L.T. Gama, M. Tixier-Boichard, D. Wegmann, X. Zhan (2015). Prospects and challenges for the conservation of farm animal genomic resources, 2015-2025. Frontiers in genetics, 6:314. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00314
- Martínez, A.M., L.T. Gama, J.V. Delgado, J. Cañón, M. Amills, C. Bruno-de-Sousa, C. GINJA, P. Zaragoza, A. Manunza, V. Landi, N. Sevane, The BioGoat Consortium (2015). The Southwestern fringe of Europe as an important reservoir of caprine biodiversity. Genetics Selection Evolution, 47:86. doi: 10.1186/s12711-015-0167-8
- Ginja, M., A. R. Gaspar, C. GINJA (2015). Emerging insights into the genetic basis of canine hip dysplasia. REVIEW. Veterinary Medicine: Research & Reports, Dove Press, 6 (
- Gargani, M., L. Pariset, J. A. Lenstra, E. De Minicis, European Cattle Genetic Diversity Consortium & A. Valentini (2015). Microsatellite genotyping of medieval cattle from central Italy suggests an old origin of Chianina and Romagnola cattle. Frontiers in Genetics, Livestock Genomics 4(6): 68. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00068
- Revidatti, M.A., J. V. Delgado Bermejo, L. T. Gama, V. Landi Periati, C. GINJA, L. A. Alvarez, J. L. Vega-Pla, A. M. Martínez & The BioPig Consortium (2014). Genetic characterization of local Criollo pig breeds from the Americas using microsatellite markers. Journal of Animal Science, 92: 4823-32.
- Lenstra, J.A., P. Ajmone-Marsan, A. Beja-Pereira, R. Bollongino, D.G. Bradley, L. Colli, A. De Gaetano, C.J. Edwards, M. Felius, L. Ferretti, C. GINJA, P. Hristov, J. Kantanen, J.P. Lirón, D.A. Magee, R. Negrini, G.A. Radoslavov (2014). Meta-Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Reveals Several Population Bottlenecks during Worldwide Migrations of Cattle. Diversity 6: 178-187.
- Davis, S.J.M, E. Svensson, U. Albarella, C. Detry, A. Götherström, A.E. Pires, C. GINJA (2013). Evidencia de mejoras de ovino y vacuno durante época andalusí y cristiana en Portugal a partir del análisis zooarqueológico y de ADN antiguo. Debates de Arqueología Medieval, 3: 241-287.
- GINJA, C., L.T. Gama, Ó. Cortes, J.V. Delgado, S. Dunner, D. García, V. Landi, I. Martín-Burriel, A. Martínez-Martínez, M.C.T. Penedo, C. Rodellar, P. Zaragoza, J. Cañon, The BIOBOVIS Consortium (2013). Analysis of conservation priorities of Iberoamerican cattle based on autosomal microsatellite markers. Genetics Selection Evolution, 45: 35.
- Gama, L.T., A. Martinez, M.I. Carolino, V.L. Periati, J.V.D. Bermejo, A. P. Vicente, J. Vega-Pla, O. Cortés, C. O. Sousa, The BIOPIG Consortium (2013). Genetic structure, relationships and admixture with wild relatives in native pig breeds from Iberia and its islands. Genetics Selection Evolution, 45:18.
Outras informações:
última actualização em Fevereiro de 2018
Título profissional: Investigadora
Instituição: CIBIO-InBio – Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Universidade do Porto
Grau académico: Doutoramento
Email: [email protected]
Investigação: PI dos projectos ARADO - Archaeogenetics of animal domestication and improvement (IF/0866/2014) e ARCHAIC - The archaeogenetics of Iberian cattle: investigating their origins, evolution and improvement (FCT-PTDC/CVTLIV/2827/2014 e COMPETE- POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016647)
Publicações (desde 2013):
Capítulos de livros
- GINJA C, Cortés O, Gama LT, Delgado JV, Amills M, Bruno de Sousa C, Cañón J, Capote J, Dunner S, Ferrando A, Gómez Carpio M, Gómez M, Jordana J, Landi V, Manunza A, Martin-Burriel I, Pons Barro A, Rodellar C, Santos-Silva F, Sevane N, Vidal O, Zaragoza P, Martínez A (2017). Conservation of Goat Populations from Southwestern Europe Based on Molecular Diversity Criteria. In Simões J, Gutierrez C (Eds.) Sustainable Goat Production Under Mountain, Semi-arid and Arid Agro-ecosystems. Vol. I, Chapter 29. Springer Nature: 509-533. ISBN: 978-3-319-71854-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71855-2
Artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com arbitragem científica
- Sevane, N., O. Cortés, L.T. Gama, A. Martínez, P. Zaragoza, M. Amills, D. O. Bedotti, C. Bruno de Sousa, J. Cañon, S. Dunner, C. GINJA, M. R. Lanari, V. Landi, P. Sponenberg, J. V. Delgado and The BioGoat Consortium (2018). Dissection of ancestral genetic contributions to Creole goat populations. ANIMAL (in press). doi:10.1017/S1751731117003627
- Pires, A.E., C. Detry C, C. Fernandez-Rodriguez, S. Valenzuela-Lamas, A.M. Arruda, J.D.G. Mazzorin, M. Ollivier, C. Hänni, F. Simões, C. GINJA (2017). Roman dogs from the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb – A glimpse into their morphology and genetics. Quaternary International. (in press) doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.11.044.
- Davis, S.J.M., U. Albarella, C. Detry, C. GINJA, A. Götherström, A.E. Pires, A. Sendim, E.M. Svensson, (2017). An osteometrical method for sexing cattle bones: the metacarpals from 17th century Carnide, Lisbon, Portugal, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 120: 367-387.
- Pelayo, R., M.C.T. Penedo, M. Valera, A. Molina, L. Millon, C. GINJA, Royo LJ (2017). Identification of a new Y chromosome haplogroup in Spanish native cattle. Animal Genetics, 48(4): 450-454. doi: 10.1111/age.12549
- Cortés, O., S. Dunner, L.T. Gama, A.M. Martínez, J.V. Delgado, C. GINJA, L.M. Jiménez, J. Jordana, C. Luis, M.M. Oom, P. Sponenberg, P. Zaragoza, J.L. Vega-Pla (2017). The legacy of Columbus in American horse populations assessed by microsatellite markers. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 134(4):340-350. DOI: 10.1111/jbg.12255
- GINJA, C., L.T. Gama, A. Martínez, N. Sevane, I. Martin-Burriel, M.R. Lanari, M.A. Revidatti, J.A. Aranguren-Méndez , D.O. Bedotti, M.N. Ribeiro, P. Sponenberg, E.L. Aguirre, L.A. Alvarez-Franco, M.P.C. Menezes, E. Chacón, A. Galarza, N. Gómez-Urviola, O.R. Martínez-López, E.C. Pimenta-Filho, L.L. da Rocha, A. Stemmer, V. Landi, J.V. Delgado-Bermejo (2017). Genetic diversity and patterns of population structure in Creole goats from the Americas. Animal Genetics, 48(3): 315-329. doi: 10.1111/age.12529
- Upadhyay, M.R., W. Chen, J.A. Lenstra, C.R.J. Goderie, D.E. MacHugh, S.D.E. Park, D.A. Magee, D. Matassino, F. Ciani, H.J. Megens, J.A.M. van Arendonk, M.A.M. Groenen, European Cattle Genetic Diversity Consortium, R. Crooijmans (2017). Genetic origin, admixture and population history of aurochs (Bos primigenius) and primitive European cattle. Heredity, 118: 169-176. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2016.79
- Gaspar, A.R., G. Hayes, C. GINJA, M. Ginja, R.J. Todhunter (2016). The Norberg angle is not an accurate predictor of canine hip conformation based on the distraction index and the dorsolateral subluxation score. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 135: 47-52.
- Cortés, O., A.M. Martinez, J. Cañon, N. Sevane, L.T. Gama, C. GINJA, V. Landi, P. Zaragoza, N. Carolino, A. Vicente, P. Sponenberg, J.V. Delgado (2016). Conservation priorities of Iberoamerican pig breeds and their ancestors based on microsatellite information. Heredity, 117: 14-24. doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.21
- Bruford, M.W., C. GINJA, I. Hoffmann, J. Stéphane, P. Orozco-terWengel, F.J. Alberto, A.J. Amaral, M. Barbato, F. Biscarini, L. Colli, M. Costa, I. Curik, S. Duruz, M. Ferencakovic, D. Fischer, R. Fitak, L.F. Groeneveld, S.J.G. Hall, O. Hanotte, F. Hassan, P. Helsen, L. Iacolina, J. Kantanen, K. Leempoel, J.A. Lenstra, P. Ajmone-Marsan, C. Masembe, .-J. Megens, M. Miele, M. Neuditschko, E.L. Nicolazzi, F. Pompanon, J. Roosen, N. Sevane, A. Smetko, A. Štambuk, I. Streeter, S. Stucki, C. Supakorn, L.T. Gama, M. Tixier-Boichard, D. Wegmann, X. Zhan (2015). Prospects and challenges for the conservation of farm animal genomic resources, 2015-2025. Frontiers in genetics, 6:314. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00314
- Martínez, A.M., L.T. Gama, J.V. Delgado, J. Cañón, M. Amills, C. Bruno-de-Sousa, C. GINJA, P. Zaragoza, A. Manunza, V. Landi, N. Sevane, The BioGoat Consortium (2015). The Southwestern fringe of Europe as an important reservoir of caprine biodiversity. Genetics Selection Evolution, 47:86. doi: 10.1186/s12711-015-0167-8
- Ginja, M., A. R. Gaspar, C. GINJA (2015). Emerging insights into the genetic basis of canine hip dysplasia. REVIEW. Veterinary Medicine: Research & Reports, Dove Press, 6 (
- Gargani, M., L. Pariset, J. A. Lenstra, E. De Minicis, European Cattle Genetic Diversity Consortium & A. Valentini (2015). Microsatellite genotyping of medieval cattle from central Italy suggests an old origin of Chianina and Romagnola cattle. Frontiers in Genetics, Livestock Genomics 4(6): 68. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00068
- Revidatti, M.A., J. V. Delgado Bermejo, L. T. Gama, V. Landi Periati, C. GINJA, L. A. Alvarez, J. L. Vega-Pla, A. M. Martínez & The BioPig Consortium (2014). Genetic characterization of local Criollo pig breeds from the Americas using microsatellite markers. Journal of Animal Science, 92: 4823-32.
- Lenstra, J.A., P. Ajmone-Marsan, A. Beja-Pereira, R. Bollongino, D.G. Bradley, L. Colli, A. De Gaetano, C.J. Edwards, M. Felius, L. Ferretti, C. GINJA, P. Hristov, J. Kantanen, J.P. Lirón, D.A. Magee, R. Negrini, G.A. Radoslavov (2014). Meta-Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Reveals Several Population Bottlenecks during Worldwide Migrations of Cattle. Diversity 6: 178-187.
- Davis, S.J.M, E. Svensson, U. Albarella, C. Detry, A. Götherström, A.E. Pires, C. GINJA (2013). Evidencia de mejoras de ovino y vacuno durante época andalusí y cristiana en Portugal a partir del análisis zooarqueológico y de ADN antiguo. Debates de Arqueología Medieval, 3: 241-287.
- GINJA, C., L.T. Gama, Ó. Cortes, J.V. Delgado, S. Dunner, D. García, V. Landi, I. Martín-Burriel, A. Martínez-Martínez, M.C.T. Penedo, C. Rodellar, P. Zaragoza, J. Cañon, The BIOBOVIS Consortium (2013). Analysis of conservation priorities of Iberoamerican cattle based on autosomal microsatellite markers. Genetics Selection Evolution, 45: 35.
- Gama, L.T., A. Martinez, M.I. Carolino, V.L. Periati, J.V.D. Bermejo, A. P. Vicente, J. Vega-Pla, O. Cortés, C. O. Sousa, The BIOPIG Consortium (2013). Genetic structure, relationships and admixture with wild relatives in native pig breeds from Iberia and its islands. Genetics Selection Evolution, 45:18.
Outras informações:
última actualização em Fevereiro de 2018